Friday, 8 July 2011

Tahnja's finished painting

Tahnja has completed her painting my photograph, "Sunshine and Laughter" and WOW, it's beyond beautiful!

"Child of God" by Tahnja Wolters

Tahnja's painting, "Child of God", and my photograph, "Sunshine and Laughter" will be part of the SoJie 12 Exhibition to be held in August 2011.

See, the finished painting and read about, Tahnja's work in progress on Solo Exhibition
"Sunshine and Laughter" by Chris Armytage

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Tahnja's painting has arrived in the mail and it is superb! Photographs just don't do it justice - the texture and luminosity is awesome, and it is just so so beautiful! Thank you so much Tahnja!
